
WP2 Simulation-Scenarios


This work package will address Scientific Objective 2: The development of complete simulation scenarios for evaluating and optimizing the four footwear functionalities under study.


Task 2.1 - Behavioral Models [m7 – m30]

In this task, the research team will study the biomechanical and physiological parameters that characterize the interaction between foot and footwear.


Task 2.2 –Definition of Materials and FEA Parameters [m13 – m30]

This task will address the following important objectives: (a) Definition of materials for the various human foot parts. (b) Definition of materials for the various shoe components. (c) Definition of FEA parameters.


DELIVERABLES (type) - month of delivery

D2.1: Definition of Behavioral Models (Intermediate Report) – m18

D2.2: Definition of Behavioral Models (Final Report) –m30

D2.3: Definition of Behavioral Models (Scientific Publication) – m30

D2.4: Definition of Materials and FEA Parameters (Intermediate Report) – m21

D2.5: Definition of Materials and FEA Parameters (Final Report) – m30


University of the Aegean

Project At A Glance

Project title (full) Development of cost-effective and accurate computer-aided design and engineering (CAD/CAE) tools for the determination and optimization of footwear comfort parameters (OPT-SHOES)

Start Date: September 2012

End Date: September 2015





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